ATTENTION EVERYONE!! In case you have not heard from me directly, we here at Coops Iron Works have partnered up with an incredible NEW nutrition and supplementation company called 1st Detachment Nutrition. The Owners Jeff McCorry, Justin Harris, along with myself are planning on hosting a free public seminar on all things NUTRITION and SUPPLEMENTATION On Sunday April 10th, from 12 Noon to 2PM
Please go check out their website listed in the description below to look into the incredible product lines that they have currently available.

But that’s not even the best part!!!
Attending the free event, and available for questions and comments will be 4 of the biggest and strongest athletes in NORTH AMERICA.
1-JOHN RIVAS – Current All Time World Record Holder for the 242lb raw powerlifting class2x Collegiate All American
-Bench Press National Champion
-Junior National Champion
-IPF Team USA Lifter
-USAPL/USPA National & State Record Holder
-Multiple time Regional Level Bodybuilding Winner
-NPC NATIONAL LEVEL COMPETITOR (Super Heavy Weight Division)
2-COACH LITTLE JOE SEEMAN – Current IFBB PRO MEN’S OPEN BODYBUILDER and currently pursuing his first OLYMPIA QUALIFICATION this year in 2022
-300lb Offseason Weight
-270lb Contest Weight
-Placed 4th at the 2019 TORONTO PRO
-Placed 3rd at the 2021 TORONTO PRO
-Currently works with 100’s of clients across the world online coaching
-Air Force Veteran
-1st Place Finisher (Light Heavy-Weight) (NPC Vermont Championships 2018)
-1st Place Finisher (Light Heavy-Weight) (NPC Vermont Championships 2020)
-2nd Place Finisher (Heavy-Weight) (ACE of Spades Las Vegas Championships 2020)

4-JUSTIN HARRIS – National online trainer and owner of TROPONIN NUTRITION.
-Owner of the customized training and performance nutrition company TROPONIN NUTRITION.
-Holds a Masters Degree in ATOMIC PHYSICS with a Kinesiology Undergraduate Degree.
-2004 Mr. Michigan 1st Place (Super Heavy-Weight Champion)
-2006 NPC JR. USA’s 1st Place (Super Heavy-Weight Champion)
-2007 & 2008 APF Michigan Powerlifting Champion, totaling “ELITE” in both competitions.
-Written many articles & books, while giving seminars all over the country on the science of human physiology.
Again, we’re going to have a stellar lineup here to talk all things nutrition and supplementation.
Coops Iron Works in Saginaw Michigan will be the only physical brick and mortar location to get your hands on their awesome products. Not to mention you will have dibs on some of the products they currently do not have available on their website! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL HERE!

Fitness & Nutrition
Nutrition is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving your fitness goals. Eating nutritious foods provides your body with the energy and nutrients it needs to power through a workout. Nutrition also helps you recover from a workout, so you can continue to make progress. Working out at Coop’s by attending one of our fitness classes will help you to exercise and build muscle.
It’s also important to supplement your diet with quality supplements. Supplements can help you reach your fitness goals faster by providing your body with additional nutrients that you may not be getting from your diet alone. Some common supplements for athletes include protein powder, creatine, and omega-3 fatty acids. See our prior blog post on workout nutrition for the best refresher and to help keep your day to day nutrition even with you fitness goals.
When it comes to working out, it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of your body in all areas. Nutrition and supplements are an essential part of achieving optimal health and fitness! Check out Coop’s Iron Works on Bay Road in Saginaw for this amazing seminar that is FREE to the public to learn and grow in your health journey. Our licensed staff and knowledgeable personal trainers will be site to help motivate you to start your personal workout routines and set obtainable goals for you.
Training at Coop’s Iron Works
Fitness training can be a very complex idea for some, but if your join a gym and dedicate yourself to working out through fitness classes or one on one personal training, you will find your idea about workouts isn’t so complex. Finding the gym that is fit for you is important, so we encourage you to take your time looking at the options you have in the Tri Cities.
Coop’s Iron Works has a wide variety of fitness classes, personal trainers, state of the art equipment, nutrition class regimens, affordable membership options, and countless services to aid in your workout goals. Our facility is always clean, the weights and equipment are always available for you to access and work on your training routine. Located at Bay Road, we offer many program options that our competition does not offer to their members. We have severe group workout classes listed on our website and strength training with so much room in our 40 yard turf training center.
We want to be your go to Saginaw gym with a full array of options for any fitness enthusiast to come and workout. Everyone is welcome at Coop’s, from the brand new gym goer, to the workout masters, to those that want to have a relaxing, no pressure gym experience. You can search anywhere in the Saginaw area, but you won’t find a well rounded, fully equipped gym that keeps it’s members at the forefront of what we do…nutrition, exercise, fitness, fun, and a convenient location that focuses on your health. Sign up today for a gym membership and visit us on Sunday April 10th from 12 noon to 2pm for our free nutrition and supplement seminar!